For Investors

PSTX Fee Structure

PSTX Launch Promotion: 50% discount is applied to all trading fees


Note that in cases of partial matches, the fee that applies may differ from the amount quoted, as fees are charged on the final matched size.

Example trading fee calculation

You place a buy limit order of RM100.00 for 50 shares. You will be quoted a trading fee of RM62.50 (PSTX launch discount applies).

  • RM5,000.00 (total order size) x 1.25% (trading fee %) = RM62.50 trading fee

During market hours, your order has only managed to buy 18 shares at RM100.00 per share. Your actual trading fee will be RM50.00, due to the minimum trading fee.

  • RM1,800.00 (total order size) x 1.25% (trading fee %) = RM22.50 trading fee. Thus, a minimum of RM50.00 is charged.

Additional fees for direct shareholders

If you are a Direct Shareholder, you may be subjected to additional fees incurred for administrative purposes when trading shares. This is due to the necessity to move the shares into the nominee structure held by Pitch Nominees Sdn Bhd.

If you acquired shares through the PSTX or during an ECF campaign, your shares are already held under the nominee structure and won’t be subject to additional fees.

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