For Investors

Transparency & Security on the PSTX

Share Information page

We understand that material information on private companies may not be as accessible as public companies' material information, and that such data is vital for all Investors to make informed decisions with regards to their investment.

This page is where you will find the company's profile, trading snapshots i.e., the last traded price, the trading volume, and the valuation basis (on a company level) — among others — on top of the following:

Financials and Documents tab

The latest summary of an Issuer’s key financial information is visible here to any registered investor. Shareholders will be able to access the detailed financial information via the financial documents that are available.

Shareholding rights and business updates from the Issuers are also available.

Recent Trades tab

Historical trade prices, the number of shares traded, and the date of all the past trades are displayed here.

Announcements tab

Any news that may affect the share price will be placed in the Announcement tab in a prompt manner.

Our assurance to you

As a Recognised Market Operator (RMO), we are committed to ensuring all trades on the PSTX are carried out in a secure, fair, and transparent manner through the establishment of:

  1. Key financial information provision
  2. Market surveillance measures
  3. Monitoring mechanism
  4. Investigation processes

All Issuers must commit to biannual reporting, as entailed here.

Trading halt

An Issuer or pitchIN may exercise a trading halt when there are material developments that are reasonably believed to have a significant impact on the trading of its shares.

Announcements will be communicated to investors within 24 hours of receipt from the Issuers.

Market moving information may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Interim financial reports
  2. Fundraising exercises
  3. A subdivision of shares or consolidation by the issuer, if any;
  4. Declaration of a dividend or distribution
  5. A change in the controlling shareholder of the issuer
  6. General offer to purchase all shares
  7. Proposed mergers or acquisition
  8. Legal actions or other adverse events

Trading suspension

Trading Counters may be suspended on PSTX for various reasons, such as:

  1. There are material corporate activities that necessitate a period of suspension
  2. There are concerns about the integrity of trades
  3. Securities discrepancy concerns such as additional shares issued without following procedures
  4. The Company’s trading status is unknown
  5. There are reasons to believe that market-moving information is being held back
  6. Requested queries have not received responses by the due dates


An Issuer’s shares may be removed from the PSTX in the following events*:

  1. Company acquired by another entity (after SHA clauses are complied with)
  2. IPO – all shares tradable on other exchanges
  3. Merger
  4. Drag Along rights in a Shareholders Agreement are exercised
  5. Liquidation of the entity

*Subjected to the consultation of pitchIN with the Issuer, its Shareholders, and the Securities Commission (if necessary)

Account Under Review

You may find that your account is placed under review after placing a particular order. This may be triggered by a potentially unusual activity picked up by our surveillance technologies. In order to protect your account, we will place a temporary suspension of trade while the PSTX team reviews the situation.

If your account is placed under review, the order that you inputted will automatically be closed. The PSTX team will investigate and resolve the situation. If necessary, they will contact you for clarification.

You may also request a clarification by writing to us at [email protected]. Our team will conduct the necessary investigation and revert to you via email.

Equity Crowdfunding is risky. You are investing in early stage companies which may not do well and could even fail. You could lose part or all of your investment. You may not be able to sell your shares easily. Learn more